lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

Sharepoint Error Reading File Repair Tool

He creado una pequeña aplicación que repara de forma automática las paginas que producen el error “Error Reading File” desde sharepoint designer 2007.

Lo he colgado en Codeplex : podéis bajarlo de ahí.

En post anteriores trataba este tema, pero como resulta un engorro reparar los archivos, he implementado esta herramienta.Realmente hace lo que explico en el procedimiento
Usando expresiones regulares, y de una manera sencilla y efectiva.
Cuelgo el código fuente para los curiosos.

Personalmente, ayuda bastante sobre todo porque como crecen tanto los archivos, el pc se queda sin memoria y es muy lento solucionar el problema.
Como uso el objeto filesystem, podemos acceder por webdav al CodigoFuente del fichero poniendo:
o directamente contra el disco local usando :

Finalmente he de decir que deja los archivos totalmente indentados y totalmente reparados.

Espero que resulte de ayuda.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2009

Crear campos checkbox conectados a DataFields

Crear un campo checkbox (en cualquier ubicación) del dataview que este conectado a los datos del datafield

Pegar este código dentro del dataview en la celda donde se quiera colocar el checkBox
<xsl:variable name="campo_Checked">
<xsl:when test="'@campoBooleano'='1' or msxsl:string-compare(string('@campoBooleano'),'Yes','','i')=0 or msxsl:string-compare(string('@campoBooleano'),'True','','i')=0">true</xsl:when

<xsl:variable name="idCheck" select="generate-id()"

xsl:variable name="XPath">
<xsl:call-template name="dvt.xpath"

asp:CheckBox runat="server" id="campo_{$idCheck}" checked="{$campo_Checked}" __designer:bind="{ddwrt:DataBind('u',concat('campo_',$idCheck),'Checked','CheckedChanged','',string($XPath),'@campoBooleano')}" />

Es posible que requiera la plantilla dvt.xpath la cual hay que declarar en un espacio fuera de otros xsl:template

<xsl:template name="dvt.xpath">
<xsl:for-each select="ancestor-or-self::*"><xsl:value-of select="concat('/node()[',count(preceding-sibling::node())+1,']')" /></xsl:for-each

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009

Guía de Estilos para Modificar apariencia: Referencia CSS de MOSS 2007 y WSS3


He creado una versión reducida del post Original, que permite localizar el fichero a modificar de un vistazo.

Clase CSS


Fichero CSS - Línea Aproximada


Global Links (Sign In/Welcome, My Links, etc)


Global link bar container

Core.CSS - 526, 532


Global links

Core.CSS - 2575


Global links hover state

Core.CSS - 2582


Float table left

Core.CSS - 540


Global link text

Core.CSS - 546, 551


Float table right

Core.CSS - 543



Wrapper around search input, button and Advanced Search link

Core.CSS - 4137

Search magnify icon

Core.CSS - 4177


Empty cell to the right of the search area

Core.CSS - 4184


Link formatting

Core.CSS - 4162, 4166, 4173


Formatting for Search terms text box

Core.CSS - 4153

Wrapping table cell around Search Scopes

Core.CSS - 4190

Formatting for Search Scopes select box

Core.CSS - 4193


Wrapping table around Search

Core.CSS - 4116


Wrapping table around Search

Core.CSS - 4128

Top Horizontal Navigation - Default styles, but you can easily replace the CssClass references to your own in the code for the navigation, or omit the wrapping HTML


Wrapping container around top navigation - Only shows through when a tab is not in the horizontal space in the top navigation.

Core.CSS - 518


Wrapping container around top navigation, inside of ms-bannerContainer - Wraps only the tabs.

Core.CSS - 639


Navigation formatting

Core.CSS - 643, 654


Formatting for selected navigation

Core.CSS - 660, 670


Hover state

Core.CSS - 673, 681


Drop down menus

Core.CSS - 692, 697


Hover state for drop down menus

Core.CSS - 704

Site Actions Menu

.ms-siteaction,.ms-siteaction a

Site Actions text

Core.CSS - 590


Wrapping table cell

Core.CSS - 603

.ms-siteactionsmenu div div div

Site Actions button

Core.CSS - 610, 619

.ms-siteactionsmenu div div

Hover state

Core.CSS - 623

Quick Launch Bar (Default Left Vertical Navigation Bar) - Default styles, but you can easily replace the CssClass references to your own in the code for the navigation, or omit the wrapping HTML


Area above navigation


Area to the right of the navigation

Core.CSS - 1212


Quick Launch Headers (such as View All Site Content button)

Core.CSS - 917, 927, 931


Navigation headers

Core.CSS - 744, 756, 851, 854, 859


Selected view state for navigation headers

Core.CSS - 766, 800, 811, 816


Sub navigation items under navigation headers

Core.CSS - 820, 863, 867


Selected view state for navigation items under navigation headers

Core.CSS - 779, 788, 796, 941


Sub navigation items under navigation headers

Core.CSS - 827


Sub navigation items under navigation headers

Core.CSS - 763, 832


Containing DIV for Tree View in Quick Launch

Core.CSS - 741, 750, 753, 887, 890 div

Top border of Tree View Pane

Core.CSS - 750


Selected navigation item in Tree View

Core.CSS - 881, 884


Recycle Bin

Core.CSS - 893, 900, 905


Bottom border of Quick Launch pane and margin around pane

Core.CSS - 874, 878


Quick Launch pane formatting and top and side borders around pane

Core.CSS - 909

.ms-quickLaunch table td

Container for sub items

Core.CSS - 738

Quick Launch Picker (Date Picker)


Picker header

DatePicker.CSS - 8


Days of the week

DatePicker.CSS - 17


Date boxes

DatePicker.CSS - 96, 105, 111, 119


Hover state for Date boxes

DatePicker.CSS - 96, 123


Current date

DatePicker.CSS - 126


Picker footer

DatePicker.CSS - 180, 187, 190


Wrapper around entire picker

Title Area


Wrapping table cell around page image

Core.CSS - 1116


Wrapping table cell around page image and neighboring table cell to the right

Core.CSS - 1120

.ms-pagetitleareaframe table

Wrapping table cell around page title

Core.CSS - 1130


Page title text

Core.CSS - 1256, 1263, 1269

Content Area



Content container

Core.CSS - 1238, 1247


List/library description

Core.CSS 1631


Background for cells with form fields

Core.CSS - 304, 333, 349


Form label formatting

Core.CSS - 284


Bottom line under last form fields

Core.CSS - 352


Background for cells with form fields on administrative pages

Core.CSS - 1413


Controls fonts in several locations

Core.CSS - 1511, 1517, 1523, 1527


Arrow that appears when column headers are moused over

Core.CSS - 1345, 1352, 1355



Breadcrumb navigation in main content area

Core.CSS - 556, 561


Adjusts margins around breadcrumb

PageLayouts.CSS - 105


Page level breadcrumbs used on publishing pages

Band.CSS - 47, 60, 67


Current location in page level breadcrumbs used on publishing pages

Band.CSS - 71

Page Edit Toolbar (Edit Console)


Wrapper around Edit Toolbar - master table cell

Core.CSS - 3203


Edit Toolbar container - sub table cell

Core.CSS - 1120, 1139, 1142


Bottom area under toolbar

Core.CSS - 1146


Edit Toolbar container - sub sub table

Core.CSS - 3210, 3223


Edit Toolbar container - sub sub sub table

Core.CSS - 3210, 3227


Edit Toolbar container - sub sub sub table cell

Core.CSS - 3233, 3244


Edit Toolbar container - sub sub sub table cell

Core.CSS - 3233, 3240


Separator rules between rows in toolbar

Core.CSS - 3293

Mini Console


Div wrapper around console buttons

See shared styles under Wiki


Background of buttons




Hover state of buttons


See Toolbar


See Toolbar

Web Parts


Edit view

Core.CSS - 2503


Header area

Core.CSS - 2664


Title text

Core.CSS - 2480, 2491, 2497


Inactive state for web part menu arrow


Mouseover for web part menu arrow

Core.CSS - 2590


Body content of web parts

Core.CSS - 2507, 2512, 2516, 2521


Body content of web parts

Core.CSS - 2565, 2571


Links within web parts

Controls.CSS - 63, 69, 73, 2521


Bullets used in web part content

Controls.CSS - 117


Descriptions within web parts

Controls.CSS - 91


Column headers in lists, among other things

Core.CSS - 1750, 1754, 1758, 1762, 1766, 1838, 1843


Article Title in rich text fields

HtmlEditorCustomStyles.CSS - 68


Article Headline in rich text fields

HtmlEditorCustomStyles.CSS - 83


Article Byline in rich text fields

HtmlEditorCustomStyles.CSS - 76


Link to add new list items

Core.CSS - 1882, 1889, 1893


Separating line under web part and above Action links

Core.CSS - 1507

Menu Toolbar


Toolbar menu

Core.CSS - 70, 77

.ms-separator img

Separating line between toolbar options

Core.CSS - 1404


Toolbar button

Core.CSS - 100


Hover state for toolbar buttons

Core.CSS - 106


Hover state for "New" toolbar button

Core.CSS - 202


New toolbar button

Core.CSS - 199


Wrapping table cell for toolbar menu item

Core.CSS - 196, 207


Separating line between 'New' text and drop down arrow

Core.CSS - 192, 207, 211


View text

Core.CSS - 132, 135


View drop down menu

Core.CSS - 135, 139, 150, 158, 165


Hover state for View drop down menu

Core.CSS - 135, 139, 150, 161, 165



Wrapping table cell for toolbar

Core.CSS - 20, 37, 42


Button separator

Core.CSS 1399



Calendar header

Calendar.CSS - 3


Month directional arrows

Calendar.CSS - 844



Calendar.CSS - 50


Space to the left of the week day and weeks

Calendar.CSS - 41


Day header

Calendar.CSS - 75


Hover state for Day header

Calendar.CSS - 148


Empty days

Calendar.CSS - 215, 220


Bottom area of empty days

Calendar.CSS - 220, 227


Week header

Calendar.CSS - 56


Hover state for Week header

Calendar.CSS - 62, 67


Work days

Calendar.CSS - 235, 240


Bottom area of each work day

Calendar.CSS - 252


Non work days

Calendar.CSS - 235, 285


Bottom area of each non work day

Calendar.CSS - 292


Today marker

Calendar.CSS - 119, 125, 131, 200


Hover state for Today marker

Calendar.CSS - 136


All Day Event marker in Month View

Calendar.CSS - 352


Hover state for All Day Event marker in Month View

Calendar.CSS - 362, 390, 393


Area to left of All Day Event marker in Day View

Calendar.CSS - 410


Area to right of All Day Event marker in Day View

Calendar.CSS - 420, 715, 719


Empty cells for other days not marked as an All Day Event when an All Day Event appears in the Week View

Calendar.CSS - 703


Appointment block in Week View

Calendar.CSS - 756, 764, 770


Appointment block in Day View

Calendar.CSS - 779, 787, 793, 798

Search Center (Advanced Search)


Containing table for tabs

Portal.CSS - 17


Selected tab

Portal.CSS - 20


Selected tab hover

Portal.CSS - 33

.ms-ptabcn A:link,

Selected tab text

Portal.CSS - 46

.ms-ptabcn A:visited,

text-decoration: none;

.ms-ptabcnhover A:link,

.ms-ptabcnhover A:visited,

color: #000000;

.ms-ptabcnhover A:hover

Selected tab text hover

Portal.CSS - 52


Unselected tab

Portal.CSS - 118


Unselected tab hover

Portal.CSS - 71

.ms-ptabcf A:link,

Unselected tab text

Portal.CSS - 86

.ms-ptabcf A:visited,

.ms-ptabcfhover A:link,

.ms-ptabcfhover A:visited,

font-style: normal;

.ms-ptabcfhover A:hover

Unselected tab text hover

Portal.CSS - 91


Line extending past tabs

Portal.CSS - 134

Site Directory (Site Map)

See Search Center

Site Map tabs

See Search Center


Unselected tab

Portal.CSS - 58


Line extending past tabs

Portal.CSS - 110



Wrap around each post, includes date, title and footer

Core.CSS - 3510


Post date

Core.CSS - 3569


Post title

Core.CSS - 3531, 3536, 3541


Post body copy

Core.CSS - 3555, 3563, 3566


Post footer links and info

Core.CSS - 3546, 3551


Wrap around comments


Comment header text

Core.CSS - 3577


Formatting for default text when no comments have been posted.

Core.CSS - 3604


Table that wraps each comment.

Core.CSS - 3639, 3643


Comment title

Core.CSS - 3589


Comment body copy

Core.CSS - 3597


Comment footer


Edit button for posts and comments.

Core.CSS - 3610, 3616


Admin links that show to right of blog posts

Core.CSS - 3493, 3499, 3507


Class used in a wrapper DIV tag that is around the Quick Launch (current) navigation. Used as a contextual selector in the CSS for many styles. Some styles seem to change nothing on the page when altered. Effective styles are listed below.


Navigation headers

Core.CSS - 3687, 3694, 3697


Border above navigation headers

Core.CSS - 3704


Space under items in a navigation block.

Core.CSS - 3707


Amount of left indention of "Add New..." links

Core.CSS - 3712

.ms-BlogNavigator img

Amount of left indention after bullet in "Add New..." links

Core.CSS - 3715


Container and contents formatting for sub navigation items

Core.CSS - 3666, 3670


RSS Feed link

Core.CSS - 3515, 3522

.ms-blogrssnav img

RSS Feed image

Core.CSS - 3528



The Recent Changes Wiki nav uses the default styles for the Quick Launch, and not any custom styles you may have created for the Quick Launch in your master page. The navigation styles are included above.







Bullet image to left of View All Pages in nav

Core.CSS - 3459


View All Pages text link

See ms-addnew.


Div wrapper around console buttons

Band.CSS - 387


Background of buttons

Core.CSS - 3423



Core.CSS - 3404


Hover state of buttons

Core.CSS - 3437


Text formatting in a wiki page

Core.CSS - 3442, 3445, 3447, 3449, 3454

Espero os sea de utilidad.